Friday, 16 June 2017
We at InlandAndalucia Ltd experience it every day: inland Andalucía is really a land of opportunities.
Just have a look at those property prices and promotions there now are!
For inland Andalucía has always been sensitive to the economic conjuncture.
Being mainly rural, far from Madrid and even more so from the crossroads of the major economies, coupled with an economy that heavily relies on tourism, our beautiful region can go from economic boom to low.
Resulting in that today, in 2014, it's very much a buyers market.
Update 2015: bargain properties
In the first 3 months of 2015 80% of our sales were for homes costing less than 100,000 Euro.
15% of sales was for properties under 150,000 Euro and 5% for properties of over 150,000 Euro but still with great reductions.
If ever there was an ideal moment to buy property in Andalusia, to realise that dream, it's now.
Andalucians are used to the eternal ups and downs of the market, and can react rather laconically. 'Just wait and the wind will turn again'.
During the highs Andalucía is full of opportunities too. Think of that amazing boom in the 1990s and well until the new century. The newest most original architecture - what in most countries would take a decade, could get a permission here in a matter of weeks - the new train stations, urbanisations, not to mention the results in sports, music... Spain and Andalucía alike were dominating it all.
In our blog we will keep you updated on the state of the economy and the predictions.
In the mean time, have a look at those promotions and contact us with any question you might have.
Or… start browsing!
Posted by: Alejandro on Friday, 16 June 2017