Frailes is located in Jaen Region , Andalucia
The town and term of Frailes is a beautiful place, sheltered at the foot of the Martina, at the limits of the regions of Jaénand Granada.Belonging to the old Abbey of Alcalá la Real, it was a place of recreation unmatched historically for its wealth in waters and its nostalgic Spa.
Locals say that Water is born here in its very heart and circulates throughout its body in springs, springs and springs, in streams and streams. Its waters, fresh and clean, are a true gift from heaven, because it fecundates the earth, feeds humans and animals and attracts neighbours and visitors. But the current of the river, adorned by its bridges, separates and unites the hamlet is crowned by the bell tower of its parish church, from where the ringing of the bells breaks the normal silence of the environment. Water is the essence of Frailes. Made famous recently by British writer Michael Jacobs in 2003 with the release of his book “The Factory of Light: Tales from my Andalucian village”
Quick information of
Frailes Andalucía:
Antequera 27km Málaga 65km Granada 110km Sevilla 145km
to Malaga
Health clinic
Municipal pool
1h 30min
to Granada
Shops, Bars, Restaurants
Golf nearby
Bus and train service
to Sevilla
Frailes Andalucía
Local Information
Ayuntamiento de Frailes
Calle Santa Lucía, 8 23690, Frailes (Jaén) Telephone: 953-593-002 Web:
Frailes Information
Frailes is located 89 km south of the capital city, Jaén. At a heightof 974 metres above sea level. Frailes municipal district includes the territories of los Bailadores, Los Baños, Los Barrancos, Cañada de Alcalá, Cañada de Nogueras, Cerrillo el Ciego, Majada Abrigada, El Nogueral, Las Parras, Puerto Blanco, Los Rosales y La Solana de la Parra. Frailes is located at the Sierra Sur de Jaén and its territory comprises primarily mountain ranges.
The origins of this municipality date back to pre-history, when the conquerors from Rome were present. The remains of Terra Sigilllata are atestiment to this . During the Spanish Musilim era there are few records of the existence of the Islamic presence in Frailes. Nevertheless, emanating from the 16th century we have evidence of the Siege of Frailes: on 15 August 1341, AlfonosXI conquered Alcalá la Real, of which alfoz (a group of villages) belonged to Alfraylas, so from then on was incorporated to Castilla. During the middle of the 16th century, the hermitage (small chapel) of Santa Lucía was built next to the first Christian settlements in Frailes, partly, with the help of the contribution of Pedro de Valencia.
In 1621, the surroundings of the hermitage of Santa Lucia was named Huerta de Santa Lucía, where the ongoing expansion of settlements took place. At the end of the 18th century, the hermitage became a parish church. Hence it also became the centre of the village. In the 19th century Frailes developed as fashionable destination due to the establishment of a spa resort at Ardales at the gateway of the village. During the early part of the 20th century, the village enjoyed times of splendour, yet after the Spanish Civil War and the exodus of a great part of the rural population to the cities, Frailes' population halved to 2,000 inhabitants.
Fiesta del Vino.- During the first half of March, Frailes with this wine festival brings together culture and gastronomy, past and present. This tradition dates back to the 18th century, but it faces with modernity the 21st century.
Romería to the Virgen de la Cabeza hermitage.- on the last Sunday of April, this Romeria to Hoya del Salobral is held to celebrate the day of Jaen's patron saint.
August festival.- A fair and much loved 'verbena' is held in Mecedero to reinvigorate the population from the ardours of the Andalucian summer.
Festival in honour of San Pedro.- 29 June, held in Spring, to celebrate the day of Frailes' patron saint.
Festival in honour of Santa Lucía.- 13 December, this is the other patron saint of the municipality, she is the sight protector and to exalt her, a mass and a procession are held.
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